Tropical plants come in all sizes & varieties. My effort has been to make 'standard types'. Long leaf plants can be ordered in either the wide or narrow width. (Long and narrow or long and wide). Photo shows long and wide in center foreground and long and narrow in the darker leaved plant above it. Spring Green is third photo. Pistachio is sixth photo. Spring Sprout is seventh photo which is yellow-green.
Plants are glued in metal 'vases', which allows the modeler to pose them at train stations, restaurants, small businesses, City Park, etc. Use Aleene's Tachy Glue or Elmer's white glue to anchor.
Vase sizes are shown above. Large (7mm): White round marbled, Silver, Metalic, Bronze or Copper. Medium (5-6mm): Silver, Metalic, Bronze, Copper. Note, barrel shape or tubular. Small (4mm): Metalic, Bronze, Copper.
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